Tuesday, November 20, 2007

embracing accusations

I just bought "Pages," Shane & Shane's newest album. The whole album is awesome, but this song has absolutely struck me speechless. It's incredible. PLEASE go find it and listen to it. In the meantime, here are the lyrics.

Father of lies, coming to steal kill and destroy
All my hopes of being good enough
I hear him saying, “cursed are the ones who can’t abide”
He’s right, halleluia, he’s right

The devil is preaching the song of the redeemed
That I am cursed and gone astray
I cannot gain salvation
Embracing accusation

Could the father of lies
Be telling the truth of God to me tonight?
That if the penalty of sin is death, then death is mine
I hear him saying, “cursed are the ones who can’t abide”
He’s right, halleluia, he’s right

The devil’s singing over me an age old song
That I am cursed and gone astray
Singing the first verse so conveniently over me
He’s forgotten the refrain.


Unknown said...

Think they got that from the Apple software that's supposed to replace WORD?

Maybe not... Not everything is Apple related, I guess, but try telling Eve that...

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